Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

Janji Yogi

Yogi, 17 tahun, dengan logat Surabaya-nya pernah bilang gini:

Enggak enggak, kan cuma deket aja ma kamu
Gitu maksudnya
Lagian kamu ya ga bisa sama aku
Ya kan?
Tapi tetep kok aku suka sama kamu
Tetep aku kangen sama kamu
Meski ndak bisa nyatu
Seenggaknya aku bisa jadi temen deketmu tu wes cukup buat aku
Kalo kamu punya cowok ngomong'o lho Mbem
Biar aku ndak ganggu
Ntar pas kamu pacaran tau-tau aku whatsapp kamu, kan aku ganggu to
Pokoke lek kamu mau cerita atau mau marah mbe' aku ae
Aku ada 24 jam buat kamu
Kan kita lho wes kayak temen deket masio belom pernah ketemu
Kamu ya wes baik sama aku
Wes mau nerima kekuranganku
Pengen dapet pacar kayak kamu
Orangnya baik, bisa nerima kekurangan
Behh, kapan yo?
*emote praying*

Ini ku tulis cuma buat ingetin kamu kalo kamu lupa :D

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Chit Chat at Night

Chit chat iseng ini pake Bahasa Inggris campur-campur sama Bahasa Indonesia. Berantakan emang kalo dibaca, tapi emang kayak gitu serunya. Banyak grammatical errornya. Sekali lagi aku bilang, banyak grammatical errornya. Coba cek aja nih..

*** after some long conversation ***

Esge : ™ђёe..ђёe..ђёe..ђёe..™

Me : uhuh

Esge : why did you never give a feedback if  I talking like that ??
Esge : menanggapi bahasa inggrisnya apa ??

Me : giving response
Me : I don't know. I'm afraid if I say the wrong words and make you mad. I think a man doesn't like a talkative girl..

Esge : talkative girl artinya apa ??

Me : cerewet ; banyak omong

Esge : I like that girl..
Esge : for's funny

Me : did you mean talkative girl?

Esge : I will never bored with her.

Me : don't you think that talkative girl is annoying?

Esge : I think..
Esge : no..
Esge : I like it

Me : when a girl talking about something, usually she doesn't stop talking and continue her conversation.
Me : she's more dominant in that conversation.

Esge : I think I must kiss her lips so she can be quiet.
Esge : °º°Hªªhªªhªªhªª°°º

Me : smart answer !

Esge : °º°Hªªhªªhªªhªª°°º

Me : but how if she is  not your girlfriend?

Esge : do you want to do that ??
Esge : I don't know. Maybe I will hear until she's quiet.

Me : it will be soooooooo annoying.

Esge : it depends on the condition.

Me : how will you stop her talking?

Esge : if just me and her, it doesn't matter.

Me : what did you mean by "it doesn't matter" ?

Esge : if there just me and her.

Me : then you will kiss her ?

Esge : yahh..
Esge : if she is my girlfriend.

Me : how if she is not?

Esge : maybe I must kill her
Esge : °º°Hªªhªªhªªhªª°°º

Me : you're soooooo cruel.

Esge : cruel apa ??

Me : kejam

Esge : (•̃┌┐•̃'l) hªh?!?
Esge : that's just a joke.

Me : I know it -___-

Esge : maybe I will wear earphones, so that I can't hear her. 
Esge : ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム  ╋╋ム ╋╋ム ╋╋ム

*** moving to another conversation ***